Warm Greetings, everyone:
I’m wishing you a lovely holiday season filled with love, joy, and friendship! As Thanksgiving approaches, I’d like to share with you a Gratitude Practice that you may like to incorporate into your practice daily, weekly, or, really, whenever you are inspired.
But before I do that, I’d like to start with a short story about my experience with grief. My doggie, Alfie, was 13 when he passed right before COVID. Many of you know Alfie was my life. I lived to be there for him in every way possible, especially when he was dealing with several serious health conditions. When he passed it was almost too much for me to deal with or even comprehend. Over the years since Alfie’s passing, I have been feeling such grief, and at times I resist it—because it doesn’t feel good or I don’t know how to greet these painful feelings. Resisting feeling grief doesn’t feel good either, though.
The practice of gratitude really is everything. This past Saturday morning, spontaneously, I had a feeling that I wanted to go on a walk with Alfie. So I did what I always loved to do on our walks: I picked up my favorite morning treat, an Americano, and connected with my cherished Barista who has seen me through these ups and downs in my life. A young woman came into the coffee shop with her beautiful dog, and we began to share with each other. I asked her dog’s name and told her how beautiful Maple is and how lucky she is to have her. I then told her that I lost my dog Alfie and how I felt like going for a walk with him this morning. She confided that she was beginning to worry about losing Maple, her sweet Husky. Although I totally understood that worry, I suggested she focus on how much she loves her sweet Maple and be grateful for every moment with her.
This may sound strange, but I do feel like I went on a walk with Alfie the Wonder Dog that morning. Stopping at his favorite sniffing spots—he was a professional aroma connoisseur—I teared up as I felt the same feelings I had when we really would walk together. But I also knew how truly blessed I am to have had such a deep, loving relationship with Alfie. He taught me how to take really good care of someone. I am so grateful Alfie was, and still is somehow, in my life. He gave me the opportunity to grow and become stronger. Through my experience of grief, I have come to know that love and gratitude win.
The practice of gratitude is good for your health; it’s been scientifically proven. Check out more details here.
Luckily, you can incorporate the practice of gratitude into your life with great ease and no effort!
When you are walking, meditating, or simply having a quiet moment, think of someone, something, a place, or an event—anything that elicits a feeling of gratitude within you. Allow the feeling to expand and radiate, and then release it out into the Universe. This practice will not only make a difference to you, but also to the world. For real.
Here’s another practice I learned that has resonated with me and that I would now like to pass along to you. It’s a gratitude journaling prompt.
Each night before you go to bed, write down five things you are grateful for, no matter how big or small. Now go one step further and, next to each item, write how you play a part in bringing this positive force into your life.
For example, if you are feeling grateful for your loving partner or dear friend, then you might take note of how you have nurtured and worked on strengthening that relationship. This exercise takes gratitude journaling to the next level to remind you that you play an active role in co-creating the life you want to live.
Last but not least, feel gratitude for YOU!
Let Snoop inspire you! You may even use some of his gratitude affirmations for yourself.
I Wanna Thank Me - Snoop Dogg Thug Life
I'd love to see you all more! Please join me for my live online yoga classes. You can check out my schedule and register here.
Also! My Freedom Yoga in Costa Rica Retreat: Envision 2025 dates are now confirmed for January 11–18, 2025. If you’d like to join me, you may pre-register here.
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am very grateful for your heartfelt and earnest yoga practice.
Love + Namaste,